Lectures Guided Tours Photography Projects Contact Info

Ted Scott is an accomplished photographer, architect, graphic designer, lecturer, author, and a passionate traveller. Early in his adventures he was drawn to all things Japanese and took his Master's degree in the history of Japanese architecture from Tokyo's Waseda University, becoming fluent in spoken Japanese. Since then he has studied and lectured extensively on Japanese gardens and architecture in addition to lectures about photography and Western architecture (CV).

Ted's inquisitive spirit has led him to explore many countries and cultures over the past three decades, his favorites being Japan, France and Italy. He is a skilled tour guide with a natural ability to share his passion and knowledge.

You might like to bookmark this site for future reference with regard to lectures for your club or group, small-group tours that will take you to far away places, and—constantly updated and varied in theme—photographs which will fulfill your need for aesthetic satisfaction.

©2006-2017 Ted Scott. All rights reserved.